Leadership development is crucial in any institution/organization for continuity of leadership. The leadership development and training department exists in relation to our third core value: ‘’Commitment to empowering leadership’’.
- To train and nurture believers for works of ministry.
- To enhance the professional and personal development of individuals who will play increasingly important management and leadership roles within their organizations.
- Leadership trainings/capacity building.
- Internships and Pastoral training.
- Marketplace ministry/ Church at the Gates:
The mission is to inspire, equip and mobilize Christ’s followers to fully leverage their unique platforms (where we live, work, and play) to practically and consistently live out their faith and be of impact to the world by being the light and hope of Christ.
- To bring together people to use their life platforms as avenues of influence for Christ.
- To mobilize, train and equip members of the congregation to effectively engage in the market place as ambassadors of Jesus Christ.
- Develop a network of Christians to offer support, accountability and opportunity for growth Ø Enable partnerships that will encourage creativity in the development of projects.